Friday, January 18, 2008

I hosted my first house party.

I hosted my first MoveOn house party. Although I felt a little nervous because I didn’t know the people who signed up, I managed to get through the day. I had a hard time concentrating at work, but when I finished, I tidyied up the house in about twenty minutes, said my evening prayers, and fixed my dinner. I thought I felt pretty calm, but laughed at myself when cleaning up the kitchen, I dumped the compost into the recycling bin!

When everything was ready, I sat down to read the paper while I waited. Just then someone knocked on the door. It was Jack, my first and only guest. One guest had called and said she wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to share whatever she had with us. The other guest cut herself while preparing dinner, but was on her way when a long train at the RR tracks cut her off and she didn’t want to interrupt us after we had already started.

So Jack and I watched the very helpful video, listened to our questions being answered in a webcast and then practiced earning media contacts through giving our pitches. It went very smoothly, we learned a lot about working with the media, and I made a new friend. I’m looking forward to the next opportunity to host a MoveOn house party.

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