Thursday, April 10, 2008


If you were invited to a party hosted by the enablers of the
genocide of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, would
you go?

Today, as the Olympic torch passes through San Francisco for its
only North American stop, join me in urging President Bush not
to attend the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Click the link below to tell President Bush to take a stand for
human rights and skip the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

China has the power to convince the Sudanese government to
accept deployment of the United Nations-African Union (UNAMID)
peacekeeping forces for Darfur. But instead China remains
Sudan's major weapons provider, largest foreign investor and
trade partner, and diplomatic apologist.

President Bush must not sit quietly and watch the lighting of
the Olympic torch - under the 'one world, one dream' banner -
unless China has used its influence to pressure the Sudanese
government to allow the effective deployment of the UNAMID
peacekeeping force.

We can support the Olympic Games, but we cannot support China's
tolerance for the atrocities being committed in Sudan. Beijing
should not be allowed to bask in the warm glow of peace and
brotherhood associated with the opening games if China is still
underwriting atrocities in Darfur.


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Unknown said...

Thanks for your comments. I'll check out your blog, but I'm not looking for a home in Brasil : )